bhakti arifianto
Are you beginner with small equity for trading?how much money you spent to pay vps fee per year?
It is hard to find cheap vps with good quality,specially vps using windows OS..paying VPS rent fee $100-$300 for a year still considered as expensive for beginner trader.
They r some brokers offer free vps with some requirement,for example minimum balance you have on an account registered to that broker.
To take a look about free VPS with minimal balance ($300) for requirement you can click open "For Client" tab, click "VPS Forex Hosting". You can read the term and conditions, hardware specification and application form to rent vps in that page.
It is hard to find cheap vps with good quality,specially vps using windows OS..paying VPS rent fee $100-$300 for a year still considered as expensive for beginner trader.
They r some brokers offer free vps with some requirement,for example minimum balance you have on an account registered to that broker.
To take a look about free VPS with minimal balance ($300) for requirement you can click open "For Client" tab, click "VPS Forex Hosting". You can read the term and conditions, hardware specification and application form to rent vps in that page.