Dmitry Pyatakov
Сегодня в 8.00 по терминальному времени брокера Alpari были технические проблемы. В следствии чего имели место быть не рыночные котировки по валютной паре EURUSD/ , была зафиксирована цена 1.54009.... Брокером счет был восстановлен до первоначального состояния - торговля продолжается в прежнем режиме. Для успокоения души смотрите вкладку "СРЕДСТВА". Приношу свои извинения подписчикам. С уважением Дмитрий - Cosmopolit.
Today at 8:00 terminal time broker Alpari were technical problems. In consequence of what took place is not to be quoted market prices for the currency pair EURUSD /, was recorded price 1.54009 .... Broker account has been restored to its original condition - trade continues as usual. To soothe the souls see the tab "MEANS". My apologies to subscribers. Best regards, Dmitry - Cosmopolit.
Today at 8:00 terminal time broker Alpari were technical problems. In consequence of what took place is not to be quoted market prices for the currency pair EURUSD /, was recorded price 1.54009 .... Broker account has been restored to its original condition - trade continues as usual. To soothe the souls see the tab "MEANS". My apologies to subscribers. Best regards, Dmitry - Cosmopolit.